Fighting For An Economy That Works For Working People


Wisconsinites work hard. Whether on the farm, the factory floor, or in main street small businesses – we know what it takes to get the job done and support our communities. But today too many folks are struggling to get by, and out-of-touch politicians are standing in the way of Wisconsin’s working families. While many Wisconsinites are struggling with rising housing costs, wages not keeping up with the cost of living, and high healthcare costs, our representatives Congressmen Bryan Steil and Derrick Van Orden, have opposed meaningful change and relief for our families. We’re calling on them to support working Wisconsinites.

Our Stories


“I’m a US Naval Air Veteran. I paid into Social Security and Medicare for over 60 years.” Tell Congressman Bryan Steil: Oppose H.R. 5779, which could fast-track legislation that threatens cuts to Social Security and Medicare and puts Wisconsin families at risk.



“Derrick Van Orden voted for tax cuts for companies that don’t even need them. [He] shouldn’t be able to throw away our future while siding with large corporations.” Tell Congressman Derrick Van Orden to oppose H.R. 812, which would repeal the cost-saving measures from the Inflation Reduction Act.

Joni and Andrew

“I spent almost 30 years on my feet working hard at the factory. I paid into Social Security with every paycheck.” It’s time for Congressman Derrick Van Orden to protect Social Security and Medicare. Tell him to stop supporting H.J. Res. 21, which would slash these hard-earned benefits and put Wisconsin families at risk.

Take Action

Use your voice and take action for your community today. Contact your legislator by filling out the form below.